Svenja Ostwald Inspires Women with her Healthy Recipes

CHEERS to a healthy a lifestyle with amazing recipes for you to share with your family. Here are some of my favorite recipes at the moment: PEACHY SALADserves 22 peaches sliced 2 ripe tomatoes sliced 1 cucumber sliced 1 handful fresh basil 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice / some lemon zest 1/4 cup olive oil Freshly ground black pepper and some salt. ENJOY. Add some fresh fruit, mint and ice cubes to your water.
Svenja Ostwald @moai.newyork Feeling Good starts with Healthy Food you Eat.

WELCOME. There are five places in the world where people lead the longest and healthiest lives. One of them is in Japan. In small neighborhoods across Okinawa, friends gather for a common purpose – to exchange gossip, experience life, and give and receive advice. They call these groups MOAI. Since reading about it, I’ve had the vision: founding a virtual MO • AI . A community that makes a healthier life easy and straightforward. A community that supports one another and makes one proud to be part of it. I was working for almost 10 years as a fashion designer for one of the biggest companies in Germany. I loved my job. Creativity at high speed with a lot of traveling. My absolute passion. Getting up early. Working long hours and days.But the downside: I had trouble getting pregnant and when I was finally pregnant I sadly had two miscarriages. When we moved to NYC in 2015 I was forced to slow it down.I practiced Yoga every day.It’s not a big surprise that I got pregnant after two months – of not even trying to be pregnant.I discovered meditation as a way to help with my anxiety of another miscarriage. For the first time I did some research on how to nourish my body that was growing this tiny human. What was the best way to eat?I was craving more and did the yoga teacher training. I truly loved it!!! Learning more about the connection of breath and movement was so helpful for me. Being pregnant 8 months I decided to do the prenatal yoga teacher training as well.Finally having a work permission I truly enjoyed teaching moms to be. Making them mentally and physically stronger for motherhood was such a joy while seeing the bellies growing. As soon as I had my second baby I wanted to dive deeper.I wanted to learn more about nutrition. I loved reading labels and was always on the hunt for the best snacks for kids. Organic. No added sugar. Short ingredient lists. So I enrolled at the Integrative Institute for Nutrition and became a Health Coach. Here am I today. I want to inspire you and show you that it’s fun to live a healthy life. SESAME NOODLES PINEAPPLE STIR-FRIED QUINOA